It authenticates itself. Something inside us knows. This…is what has been sought for, longed for, looked for. This is it. Usually, it’s not what we expected.
ADYASHANTIEventually, in the state of liberation, meditation will simply become your natural condition.
More Adyashanti Quotes
When you rest deeply in the Unknown without trying to escape, your experience becomes very vast. As the experience of the Unknown deepens, your boundaries begin to dissolve. You realize, not just intellectually but on a deep level, that you have no idea who or what you are.
When you let go of the egoic self what you’re getting in exchange is the whole universe.
There’s a fierceness about life that calls for a fierceness to not anxiously solve it but to allow it to transform you.
The perspective of Love doesn’t leave anybody out. Until your vision and compassion is big enough to include those who oppose you, you are simply contributing to the continuation of destructiveness . The end of separation is the salvation for all.
Grace is something that comes to us when we somehow find ourselves completely available, when we become openhearted and open-minded, and are willing to entertain the possibility that we may not know what we think we know.
At any moment, we are either giving humanity the gift of our clarity or our confusion. And that clarity or confusion is affecting the humanity around us, the world around us. It is manifesting. It is taking form.
To accept the degree of surrender needed to literally let go of all experience and all self-reference. Even in great revelations, there is almost always something that wants to claim, “I am this.”
To pause for just a moment and realize that maybe you aren’t who you imagine yourself to be.
At first it seems as if begoing follows becoming. But look even closer and you will see that there are only flashes of lightning illuminating the empty sky.
The light of consciousness has no mind to change or alter anything. There is no sense that anything needs to change, but it does change.
With this love you can feel the walls of opposition come down naturally in the acknowledgement of deep connection. Not only do the walls of opposition fall, but love is felt for every human being and for life itself.
Awareness naturally returns to its non-state of absolute unmanifest potential, the silent abyss beyond all knowing.
The ultimate freedom from the nonexistent ego is to see that it is actually irrelevant.
In True Meditation, we’re in the body as a means to transcend it. It is paradoxical that the greatest doorway to the transcendence of form is through form itself.
You are an incredible mystery that you will never figure out. To be this mystery consciously is the greatest joy.