Most human beings spend their lives battling with opposing inner forces: what they think they should do versus what they are doing; how they feel about themselves versus how they are; whether they think they’re right and worthy or wrong and unworthy.
ADYASHANTIYou can’t look at what’s looking. You can’t think about that which is prior to thought.
More Adyashanti Quotes
When we start to suffer, it tells us something very valuable. It means that we are not seeing the truth, and we are not relating from the truth. It’s a beautiful pointer. It never fails.
You are the doorway to the infinite.
We realize–often quite suddenly–that our sense of self, which has been formed and constructed out of our ideas, beliefs and images, is not really who we are. It doesn’t define us, it has no center.
When you rest deeply in the Unknown without trying to escape, your experience becomes very vast. As the experience of the Unknown deepens, your boundaries begin to dissolve. You realize, not just intellectually but on a deep level, that you have no idea who or what you are.
Actually, all paths lead away from the truth…how’s that? All paths. There’s no such thing as a path to the truth. The truth’s already here, where are you going?
All you have to do is say “yes.” Don’t make some big project out of it. Don’t make some big deal out of it. Just say “yes.” You don’t even know what it means to say “yes,” but you say it anyway. You’ll never know what it means to say “yes,” but you do it anyway.
Truth is not over there, wherever over there is. Truth is neither housed in religious rituals nor secret doctrines, nor in a guru’s touch or beatific smile, nor in exotic locations or ancient temples.
Many people think that it is the function of a spiritual teaching to provide answers to life’s biggest questions, but actually, the opposite is true. The primary task of any good spiritual teaching is not to answer your questions, but to question your answers.
The truth is that you already are what you are seeking.
Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier.
We don’t come to nirvana by avoiding samsara. We don’t come to clarity by avoiding confusion.
Meditation is a dress rehearsal for death.
Take one step backward into the unknown.
When someone says, ‘I love you,’ he is telling you about himself, not you. When someone says, ‘I hate you,’ she is telling you about herself, not you. World views are self views-literally.
Meditation is a teaching which offers you the possibility of breaking free of this egoic state of consciousness and coming into a whole new realization of who and what you truly are. And all this starts with the willingness to question.