Can you imagine if you really let it in that you are not a problem to be solved in any way? Imagine you knew that anything that would tell you otherwise is just a movement of thought in the mind that says “Whatever is, isn’t the way it is supposed to be.
ADYASHANTIReal meditation is not about mastering a technique; it’s about letting go of control. This is meditation. Anything else is actually a form of concentration. Meditation and concentration are two different things. Concentration is a discipline.
More Adyashanti Quotes
In a certain sense, if I have an idea about you that I believe, I’ve degraded you. I’ve made you into something very small. This is the way of human beings, this is what we do to each other.
You are not your story. They are not your story about them. The world is not your story about the world.
This does not mean that feeling good or experiencing love and bliss is a bad thing. Given the choice, anyone would choose to feel bliss rather than sorrow.
In the same vein, my teachings are not meant to acquire followers or imitators, but to awaken beings to eternal truth and thus to awakened life and living.
As if some dreadful fate would overcome us if we were to face the pure light of truth and lay bare our fearful clinging to illusion.
Instead of striving towards some distant goal that you will never reach, I invite you to stop and ask: How am I avoiding the enlightenment that is already present in each moment? How am I seeing separation where it doesn’t exist?
Truth is not over there, wherever over there is. Truth is neither housed in religious rituals nor secret doctrines, nor in a guru’s touch or beatific smile, nor in exotic locations or ancient temples.
Enlightenment is, in the end, nothing more than the natural state of being.
Life itself is nothing but relationship.
The separate self is just the conglomeration of these opposing forces. When the self drops away, inner division drops away with it.
The light of consciousness has no mind to change or alter anything. There is no sense that anything needs to change, but it does change.
When you see that everything is a momentary display of reality, then you stop resisting it. Resistance hurts, only every single time. Love is the state of nonresistance.
Space and stillness is the light that illuminates the beauty of our soul’s being.
Only something as insane as human beings would ever asked themselves if ‘I’m good.’ You don’t find oak trees having existential crisis. ‘I feel so rotten about myself. I don’t produce as much acorns as the one next to me.’
Silence is the only teaching and the only teacher that is there all the time.