Retreat is a response to the call of the heart-that call which beckons us toward reality, to the truth of our being, to that which is truly sane, really real and liberating …
ADYASHANTIMy experience of fundamental Truth is that it’s a place of extraordinary intelligence. It’s a place from which great intelligence arises. I call it a place of absolute infinite potential.
More Adyashanti Quotes
When we really start to take a look at who we think we are… we start to see that while we may have various thoughts, beliefs, and identities, they do not individually or collectively tell us who we are.
If we know who and what we are very thoroughly, we will express and manifest that in what we do. It is all very simple.
The silence inside of you is the sound of your knowledge collapsing. Remember, it is you who said, ‘I want to be free.’
Right now you can allow yourself to experience a very simple sense of not knowing – not knowing what or who you are, not knowing what this moment is, not knowing anything.
We need to see each moment of apparent bondage as an invitation to freedom. Then it becomes an act of love, an act of compassion, to stop running away.
Self-inquiry is a spiritually induced form of wintertime. It’s not about looking for a right answer so much as stripping away and letting you see what is not necessary, what you can do without, what you are without your leaves.
The mind wants to land, to fixate, to hold a concept, but the only way you can be really free is by not fixating. That’s part of true maturity, and it’s one of the hardest things for spiritual people who have had true and powerful revelations to go through.
Until we start to see these false perceptions for what they really are, consciousness will be imprisoned within the dream state.
Grief, unresisted, is grace. It doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt anymore, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t rip your heart out….In great grief, there’s an incredible love in it. In love there’s a tinge of bitter. In true love.
The door to God is the insecurity of not knowing anything. Bear the grace of that uncertainty and all wisdom will be yours.
Many Sages have said, “Your world is a dream. You’re living in an illusion.” They’re referring to this world of the mind and the way we believe our thoughts about reality.
To remain unconscious of being is to remain asleep to our own reality and therefore asleep to reality at large. The choice is simple: awaken to being or sleep an endless sleep.
We think there’s someplace other than here to get to—that’s what drives the whole pursuit.
The light of consciousness has no mind to change or alter anything. When you start to see the light that you really are, the light waking up in you, the radiance, you realize it has no intention to change you.
The unknown, our own true nature, has the capacity to wake itself up when you start to fall in love with letting go of all the mental structures you hold onto. Contemplate this: there is no such thing as a true belief.