Thinking of disease constantly will intensify it. Feel always ‘I am healthily in body and mind’.
SIVANANDAAlways do good to others. Be selfless. Mentally remove everything and be free. This is divine life. This is the direct way to Moksha or salvation.
More Sivananda Quotes
An evil man is a saint of the future. See good in everything. Destroy the evil-finding quality. Develop the good-finding quality. Rise above good and evil.
Practice meditation regularly. Meditation leads to eternal bliss. Therefore meditate, meditate.
There is some truth in everything. Views and opinions are different aspects. Do not quarrel with others.
Meditation is the royal road to the attainment of freedom, a mysterious ladder that reaches from earth to heaven, darkness to light, mortality to Immortality.
A purified mind can grasp anything. It can dive deep into the subtlest subject and understand even transcendental things.
Beauty is essentially spiritual. The authentic beauty lies in the heart.
Arrogance is a mixture of impertinence, disobedience, indiscipline, rudeness, harshness, and a self-assertive nature.
The real spiritual progress of the aspirant is measured by the extent to which he achieves inner tranquility.
Love beautifies the giver and elevates the receiver.
Learn to give, give in plenty, give with love, give without any expectation, one does not lose anything by giving, on the other hand you get back a thousand fold.
The practice of ‘asanas’ and ‘pranayama’ wards off disease and helps to maintain alertness.
Eating, drinking, sleeping a little laughter ! much weeping! Is that all ? Do not die here like a worm. Wake up! Attain immortal bliss!
Man is a bridge between the two worlds – the visible and the invisible.
When all desires of heart die, mortal man becomes Immortal.
The mind is responsible for the feelings of pleasure and pain. Control of the mind is the highest Yoga.