My opinion is that you never find happiness until you stop looking for it.
ZHUANGZIWhen the shoe fits, the foot is forgotten. When the belt fits, the belly is forgotten. When the heart is right, “for” and “against” are forgotten. No drives, no compulsions, no needs, no attractions: Then your affairs are under control. You are a free man.
More Zhuangzi Quotes
Right is not right; so is not so. If right were really right it would differ so clearly from not right that there would be no need for argument. If so were really so, it would differ so clearly from not so that there would be no need for argument.
Great understanding is broad and unhurried; little understanding is cramped and busy.
Those who follow the Tao are of clear mind. They do not load their mind with anxieties and are flexible in their adjustment to external conditions.
The true man breathes with his heels.
Fish live in water. Men die in it. Nature is diverse, and not all tastes are the same.
Birth is not the beginning, Death is not the end.
True men” are strong willed, have dignity in their demeanor, serenity in their expression. They are cool like autumn, warm like spring. Their passions arise like the four seasons, in harmony with the ten thousand creatures, and no one knows their limits.
If you have grasped the purpose of life there is no point in trying to make life into something it is not or cannot be.
Great knowledge is universal. Small knowledge is limited. Great words are inspiring; small words are chatter.
Men honor what lies within the sphere of their knowledge, but do not realize how dependent they are on what lies beyond it.
Birth is not a beginning; death is not an end. There is existence without limitation; there is continuity without a starting point.
A frog in a well cannot conceive of the ocean.
To be truly ignorant, be content with your own knowledge.
All the fish needs is to get lost in the water. All man needs is to get lost in Tao.
The eye is a menace to clear sight, the ear is a menace to subtle hearing, the mind is a menace to wisdom, every organ of the senses is a menace to its own capacity.