The men of old breathed clear down to their heels.
ZHUANGZIFor we can only know that we know nothing, and a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
More Zhuangzi Quotes
So if loss of what gives happiness causes you distress when it fades, you can now understand that such happiness is worthless. It is said, those who lose themselves in their desire for things also lose their innate nature by being vulgar.
If the Way is made clear, it is not the Way.
When people do not ignore what they should ignore, but ignore what they should not ignore, this is known as ignorance.
To exercise no-thought and rest in nothing is the first step toward resting in Tao. To start from nowhere and follow no road is the first step toward attaining Tao.
We are born from a quiet sleep, and we die to a calm awakening
Can a man cling to the positive without any negative in contrast to which it is seen to be positive? If he claims to do so he is a rouge or a madman.
Perfect happiness is the absence of striving for happiness.
The Way is to man as rivers and lakes are to fish, the natural condition of life.
The man who has some respect for his person keeps his carcass out of sight, hides himself as perfectly as he can.
Listening stops with the ears, the mind stops with recognition, but spirit is empty and waits on all things.
The ten thousand things belong to one storehouse and life and death share the same body.
The one-legged creature is envious of the millipede; the millipede is envious of the snake; the snake is envious of the wind; the wind is envious of the eye; the eye is envious of the heart.
When there is no more separation between ‘this’ and ‘that,’ it is called the still-point of the Tao. At the still point in the center of the circle one can see the infinite in all things.
Flow with whatever may happen and let your mind be free. Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate.
Once Zhuangzi dreamt he was a butterfly.