Compare birth with death, compare death with life; compare what is possible with what is not possible and compare what is not possible with what is possible; because there is, there is not, and because there is not, there is.
ZHUANGZIMen do not mirror themselves in running water – they mirror themselves in still water. Only what is still can still the stillness of other things.
More Zhuangzi Quotes
Look at this window: it is nothing but a hole in the wall, but because of it the whole room is full of light. So when the faculties are empty, the heart is full of light.
When people do not ignore what they should ignore, but ignore what they should not ignore, this is known as ignorance.
There may be difficulty at the moment, but I will not lose the Virtue that I possess. It is when the ice and snow are on them that we see the strength of the cypress and the pine. I am grateful for this trouble around me, because it gives me an opportunity to realize how fortunate I am.
Standards are different for all things, so the standard set by man is by no means the only ‘certain’ standard. If you mistake what is relative for something certain, you have strayed far from the ultimate truth.
When affirmation and negation came into being, Tao faded. After Tao faded, then came one-sided attachments.
All men know the utility of useful things; but they do not know the utility of futility.
Luck implies an absolute absence of any principle.
Only fools imagine they are already awake. How clearly they understand everything! How easily they distinguish this deception from that reality!
He who regards all things as one is a companion of Nature.
We possess our body by chance and we are already pleased with it. If our physical bodies went through ten thousand transformations without end, how incomparable would this joy be! Therefore the sage roams freely in the realm in which nothing can escape, but all endures.
Either in conflict with others or in harmony with them, we go through life like a runaway horse, unable to stop.
He who does his work like a machine grows a heart like a machine and he who carries the heart of a machine in his breast loses his simplicity. He who has lost his simplicity becomes unsure in the strivings of his soul.
The Way is to man as rivers and lakes are to fish, the natural condition of life.
One whose inner being is fixed upon such greatness emits a Heavenly glow. Even though he has this Heavenly glow, others will see him as just a man. Someone who has reached this point will begin to be consistent.
The right way to go easy is to forget the right way.