Great wisdom is generous; petty wisdom is contentious. Great speech is impassioned, small speech cantankerous.
ZHUANGZIMen do not mirror themselves in running water – they mirror themselves in still water. Only what is still can still the stillness of other things.
More Zhuangzi Quotes
Do not let the artificial obliterate the natural; do not let will obliterate destiny; do not let virtue be sacrificed to fame.
If water derives lucidity from stillness, how much more the faculties of the mind! The mind of the sage, being in repose, becomes the mirror of the universe, the speculum of all creation.
Forget the years, forget distinctions. Leap into the boundless and make it your home!
He who does his work like a machine grows a heart like a machine and he who carries the heart of a machine in his breast loses his simplicity. He who has lost his simplicity becomes unsure in the strivings of his soul.
The perfect man uses his mind as a mirror. It grasps nothing. It regrets nothing. It receives but does not keep.
He who knows he is a fool is not the biggest fool; He who knows he is confused is not in the worst confusion.
Let your mind wander in the pure and simple. Be one with the infinite. Let all things take their course.
So if loss of what gives happiness causes you distress when it fades, you can now understand that such happiness is worthless. It is said, those who lose themselves in their desire for things also lose their innate nature by being vulgar.
All men know the use of the useful, but nobody knows the use of the useless. Where can I find a man who has forgotten words so that I can have a word with him?
The torch of doubt and chaos, this is what the sage steers by.
Verily God does not reward man for what he does, but for what he is.
A battering ram can knock down a city wall, but it cannot stop a hole. Different things have different uses.
For we can only know that we know nothing, and a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
The Way is to man as rivers and lakes are to fish, the natural condition of life.
Horses have hoofs to carry them over frost and snow; hair, to protect them from wind and cold. They eat grass and drink water, and fling up their heels. Such is the real nature of horses.