Running around accusing others is not as good as laughing. And enjoying a good laugh is not as good as going along with things.
ZHUANGZIThe perfect man employs his mind as a mirror.
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When people do not ignore what they should ignore, but ignore what they should not ignore, this is known as ignorance.
Heaven is in everything: follow the light, hide in the cloudiness and begin in what is. Do this and your understanding will be like not understanding and your wisdom will be like not being wise. By not being wise you will become wise later.
A path is made by walking on it.
If water derives lucidity from stillness, how much more the faculties of the mind! The mind of the sage, being in repose, becomes the mirror of the universe, the speculum of all creation.
All men know the utility of useful things; but they do not know the utility of futility.
When the heart is right, “for” and “against” are forgotten.
And how do I know that the hate of death is not like a man who has lost his home when young and does not know where his home is to return to?
The living all find death unpleasant; men mourn over it. And yet, what is death, but the unbending of the bow and its return to its case?
Heaven does without doing through its purity, Earth does without doing through its calmness.
Understanding that rests in what it does not understand is the finest.
During our dreams we do not know we are dreaming. We may even dream of interpreting a dream. Only on waking do we know it was a dream. Only after the great awakening will we realize that this is the great dream.
The true man breathes with his heels.
The knowledge of the ancients reached the highest point-the time before anything existed. This is the highest point. It is exhaustive. There is no adding to it.
The perfect man of old looked after himself first before looking to help others.
People value that part of knowledge which is known. They do not know how to avail themselves of the Unknown in order to reach knowledge. Is this not misguided?