Journalism, as concerns collecting information, differs little if at all from intelligence work. In my judgment, a journalist’s job is very interesting.
Journalism, as concerns collecting information, differs little if at all from intelligence work. In my judgment, a journalist’s job is very interesting.
VLADIMIR PUTINThe whole world recognizes Russia’s cultural achievements. It is impossible to imagine the world culture without Russian culture, without our music and literature.
VLADIMIR PUTINI think happiness is love.
VLADIMIR PUTINRussia will not soon become, if it ever becomes, a second copy of the United States or England – where liberal value have deep historic roots.
VLADIMIR PUTINWhoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain.
VLADIMIR PUTINSuperpower’ is something which we used during the cold war time.
VLADIMIR PUTINNobody should pin their hopes on a miracle.
VLADIMIR PUTINIt is wrong to make anyone into an enemy; it is wrong to scare the people of one’s own country with that enemy and try to rally some allies on that basis.
VLADIMIR PUTINYou must obey the law, always, not only when they grab you by your special place.
VLADIMIR PUTINThe path towards a free society has not been simple. There are tragic and glorious pages in our history.
VLADIMIR PUTINThe democratic choice Russian people made in the early 90’s is final.
VLADIMIR PUTINI have a private life in which I do not permit interference. It must be respected.
VLADIMIR PUTINDespite all the achievements of civilisation, the human being is still one of the most vulnerable creatures on earth.
VLADIMIR PUTINI would prefer to abandon the terminology of the past.
VLADIMIR PUTINI believe that the presidential term should be limited.
VLADIMIR PUTINIf the nation is not capable of preserving itself and reproducing, if it loses it vital bearings and ideals, then it doesn’t need foreign enemies – it will fall apart on its own.