You out of all, have a hand to hold.
VESMIRA love that stays will always remain secondary to the one that left, but isn’t it a shame to worship that which left in place off that which stayed.
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I will feel whatever the fuck I want to feel.
If not love, then we have to survive it.
And that is how time heals, not by erasing but by blurring all the memories.
There is a wild in you which thrives in places and on days, when, even the sun in you couldn’t survive.
Isn’t this loneliness a strange poetry? you want everyone to read, but you are never willing to write it down.
I don’t want everything to be a destination, where I have to grind and reach, O! how i long for some good to come in my way and let me pick it up.
Something in me is constantly at unrest.
I want to know the 2 am you because my love we all are different when we are at war under the sun.
They call my love immature, naive and foolish, as if, wisdom made a better lover out of them.
She is the old school hard love, your modern brittle love can’t afford to carry.
You are like a wrecked ship in the depths of the ocean, collapsed and eroded but still, full of pearl oysters.
Stop giving your infant heart/ wrapped in blind vows/ white lies/ and a haunted past/ stop asking for love/ if you don’t know how to give any/ stop hurting others/ stop it/ stop it/ just fucking stop it.
A love that stays will always remain secondary to the one that left, but isn’t it a shame to worship that which left in place off that which stayed.
For once I wanna look back and not sigh.
Too much of what I write takes me back to you.