They call my love immature, naive and foolish, as if, wisdom made a better lover out of them.
VESMIRWhatever I feel is not a choice, but dwelling on it is, so I stand up and walk and walk and walk a w a y.
More Vesmir Quotes
If not love, then we have to survive it.
It’s not sad/ that you choose/ to keep yourself in/ its a pity/ that even when you could/ you never decided/ to walk out.
Hold on/ not because life will get any better/ but it’s 10 mins to sunset/ and I was wondering if we could go for ice creams afterwards
We are what this world refuse to carry. So we carry ourselves so we carry ourselves so we carry ourselves.
All this sadness longs to be touched.
There is a wild in you which thrives in places and on days, when, even the sun in you couldn’t survive.
Too much of what I write takes me back to you.
You out of all, have a hand to hold.
My god! this love it will make a fool out of us all.
I am not home for somebody else’s trauma.
I’m still figuring out, how to talk about how I feel- which is a lot.
Stop giving your infant heart/ wrapped in blind vows/ white lies/ and a haunted past/ stop asking for love/ if you don’t know how to give any/ stop hurting others/ stop it/ stop it/ just fucking stop it.
And nothing that will be touched, even with the tiniest of love, shall continue to live the same.
All my life has been a struggle to know, what to hold on and what to let go, but still, i end up sitting in the corner of the room with a flickering candle, whimpering, naked, shuddering, lost.
Something in me is constantly at unrest.