But the act of holding on speaks to me so much more about a human heart than the courage of letting go ever could.
VESMIRGrowing flowers on your tongue/ won’t make those lies/ any sweet/ saying that you still/ love me/ won’t make this/ broken trust/ change how it feels.
More Vesmir Quotes
I will feel whatever the fuck I want to feel.
Something in me is constantly at unrest.
It’s not sad/ that you choose/ to keep yourself in/ its a pity/ that even when you could/ you never decided/ to walk out.
I am not home for somebody else’s trauma.
My god! this love it will make a fool out of us all.
Whatever I feel is not a choice, but dwelling on it is, so I stand up and walk and walk and walk a w a y.
I want to know the 2 am you because my love we all are different when we are at war under the sun.
Growing flowers on your tongue/ won’t make those lies/ any sweet/ saying that you still/ love me/ won’t make this/ broken trust/ change how it feels.
Isn’t this loneliness a strange poetry? you want everyone to read, but you are never willing to write it down.
They call my love immature, naive and foolish, as if, wisdom made a better lover out of them.
I remember my mother whispering me every night, if you don’t hold that little light inside you, the universe will let go off the hold of you.
So, what ruined you? -hope.
Even if you look for peace in the places you won the war, you will not find any.
We are what this world refuse to carry. So we carry ourselves so we carry ourselves so we carry ourselves.
There is a wild in you which thrives in places and on days, when, even the sun in you couldn’t survive.