I feel like when you say ‘activist,’ you have to have so much clarity, and I don’t always necessarily have so much clarity on how I want to help others, I just have this weird, deep urge to help other people. I’m trying to let God guide my body and use it as whatever kind of vehicle or vessel it needs to be.
SZAI was a funky kid.
More SZA Quotes
I don’t have any control over what actually happens except that I have full control over my will for myself, my intention, and why I’m there. That’s all that matters.
I’ve been known to wear pajamas onstage for the sole reason of wanting to make sure I’m free enough to execute new things vocally on stage and give my best performance possible.
I don’t want to speak negativity into existence.
Sugar makes me feel crazy – like, makes my body hurt kind of a thing. I don’t really eat fruit because it has a lot of sugar. I try not to eat a lot of red meat, but every now and again, I feel like I need iron or something – something that I’m missing.
I’m very into details, so I watch movies just for the details.
I live in my imagination, so sometimes movies help me get lost. I feel like I’m in it.
I was a funky kid.
Desperately yearning to accept its all as it should be.
Control is not real, and I’m really understanding that every day. It’s about the acceptance of relinquishing control that makes it powerful for you.
I do a lot of strange things.
My anxiety stems from my lack of control no matter what.
I think music is honest and will make you do honest things.
I learned everything the hard way – like, literally, everything. I know that God does that to people that he has lessons for. I just wish that I had learned less extreme lessons.
I love folk. I love rap.
I have an abundant amount of love in my life, and I’m grateful for that.