Forget like a child any injury done by somebody immediately. Never keep it in the heart. It kindles hatred.
SIVANANDAPain, sorrow, ignorance are all illusory; they cannot live. Bliss, joy, knowledge are true; they cannot die.
More Sivananda Quotes
Do not brood over your past mistakes and failures as this will only fill your mind with grief, regret and depression. Do not repeat them in the future.
Do not store in your brain useless information. Learn to unmind the mind. Unlearn whatever has been of no use to you. Then only can you fill your mind with divine thoughts.
Humility is not cowardice. Meekness is not weakness. Humility and meekness are indeed spiritual powers.
Thinking of disease constantly will intensify it. Feel always ‘I am healthily in body and mind’.
Faith is a belief in the unknown. Faith heals, faith creates, faith works wonders, faith moves mountains. Faith is the searchlight for God-finding.
The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph. Self-realization demands very great struggle.
Eating, drinking. sleeping, pro-creating. A little laughter, a lot of tears. Is this all there is to life? Don’t die like a worm on the surface of the planet. WAKE UP and be all that you can be, you are so much more than that.
You are the Master of your own Destiny.
Fame is the penalty of success. Jealousy is the penalty of fame.
The benefits of Mouna (Silence) are incalculable.
Learn to give, give in plenty, give with love, give without any expectation, one does not lose anything by giving, on the other hand you get back a thousand fold.
Music is the medium for expressing emotion. Music kindles love and infuses hope. It has countless voices and instruments. Music is in the hearts of all men and women.
Live in the present, forget the past. Give up hopes of future.
Bear insult, bear injury.
Go beyond science, into the region of metaphysics. Real religion is beyond argument. It can only be lived both inwardly and outwardly.