Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.
SIVANANDAYour thoughts should agree with your words, and the words should agree with your actions. In this world people think one thing, say another thing, and do something else. This is horrible. This is crookedness.
More Sivananda Quotes
Rise above the deceptions and temptations of the mind. This is your duty. You are born for this only; all other duties are self-created and self-imposed owing to ignorance.
God is all-full. He is self-contained. He is eternal satisfaction.
Let each man take the path according to his capacity, understanding and temperament. His true guru will meet him along that path.
Illness begins with I, Wellness begins with we.
You should always keep your word. All the setbacks in life come only because you don’t keep your word.
There is no end of craving. Hence contentment alone is the best way to happiness. Therefore, acquire contentment.
Bear insult, bear injury.
Life is a pilgrimage. The wise man does not rest by the roadside inns. He marches direct to the illimitable domain of eternal bliss, his ultimate destination.
Faith is a belief in the unknown. Faith heals, faith creates, faith works wonders, faith moves mountains. Faith is the searchlight for God-finding.
Don’t fear the darkness if you carry the light within.
Always do good to others. Be selfless. Mentally remove everything and be free. This is divine life. This is the direct way to Moksha or salvation.
Conquer your thoughts and you will conquer the world.
Be humble as the blade of grass that is being trodden underneath the feet. The little ant tastes joyously the sweetness of honey and sugar. The mighty elephant trembles in pain under the agony of sharp god.
Tolerance is a sign of growth on the spiritual path.
Terrible is the fight put up by the senses. Fight bravely! Conquer them you must.