Pain, sorrow, ignorance are all illusory; they cannot live. Bliss, joy, knowledge are true; they cannot die.
SIVANANDAThe mental ability to concentrate is inherent to all; it is not extraordinary or mysterious. Meditation is not something that a Yogi has to teach you; you already have the ability to shut out thoughts.
More Sivananda Quotes
Complete peace equally reigns between two mental waves.
Faith induces one to pray.Prayer purifies the heart.In the purified heart is reflected the light of Lord.When the Light sighns the mortal becomes immortal.
Love expects no reward. Love knows no fear. Love Divine gives – does not demand. Love thinks no evil; imputes no motive. To Love is to share and serve.
Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success.
The mind is a product of experience. It is the result of past thinking and is modified by present thinking.
Thinking of disease constantly will intensify it. Feel always ‘I am healthily in body and mind’.
Individual Peace paves the way for world peace. The attainment of inner calm is the greatest work you can do for humanity.
Your duty is to treat everybody with love as a manifestation of the Lord.
Illness begins with I, Wellness begins with we.
There is some truth in everything. Views and opinions are different aspects. Do not quarrel with others.
The secret of life is in love the love of God and the service of humanity.
Still the bubbling mind; herein lies freedom and bliss eternal.
Man needs now no more degrees, but character, No more study, but wisdom.
Go beyond science, into the region of metaphysics. Real religion is beyond argument. It can only be lived both inwardly and outwardly.
Your sole purpose in life is to attain God-realization. All else is useless and worthless.