Do not brood over your past mistakes and failures as this will only fill your mind with grief, regret and depression. Do not repeat them in the future.
SIVANANDAThe human intellect has not been able to conceive of anything more noble and sublime in the history of the world than the teachings of the Upanishads.
More Sivananda Quotes
Faith is a belief in the unknown. Faith heals, faith creates, faith works wonders, faith moves mountains. Faith is the searchlight for God-finding.
An evil man is a saint of the future. See good in everything. Destroy the evil-finding quality. Develop the good-finding quality. Rise above good and evil.
Life is the unfolding of the latent capacities of the soul.
Eating, drinking. sleeping, pro-creating. A little laughter, a lot of tears. Is this all there is to life? Don’t die like a worm on the surface of the planet. WAKE UP and be all that you can be, you are so much more than that.
The language of silence is the language of God, the language of silence is the language of the heart.
Be humble as the blade of grass that is being trodden underneath the feet. The little ant tastes joyously the sweetness of honey and sugar. The mighty elephant trembles in pain under the agony of sharp god.
Life is short. Time is fleeting. Realize the Self. Purity of the heart is the gateway to God. Aspire. Renounce. Meditate. Be good; do good. Be kind; be compassionate. Inquire, know Thyself.
Eating, drinking, sleeping a little laughter ! much weeping! Is that all ? Do not die here like a worm. Wake up! Attain immortal bliss!
Your thoughts should agree with your words, and the words should agree with your actions. In this world people think one thing, say another thing, and do something else. This is horrible. This is crookedness.
Love expects no reward. Love knows no fear. Love Divine gives – does not demand. Love thinks no evil; imputes no motive. To Love is to share and serve.
This world is your body. This world is a great school, This world is your silent teacher.
Forget like a child any injury done by somebody immediately. Never keep it in the heart. It kindles hatred.
Arrogance is a mixture of impertinence, disobedience, indiscipline, rudeness, harshness, and a self-assertive nature.
There is no end of craving. Hence contentment alone is the best way to happiness. Therefore, acquire contentment.
When you have succeeded in enshrining God within your heart, you will see Him everywhere.