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  • Rob Lowe Quote - I’m not going to stop talking to people who come up to me in an airport. I’m not going to worry about what may be their ulterior motive.
  • Rob Lowe Quote - I’m not going to stop talking to people who come up to me in an airport. I’m not going to worry about what may be their ulterior motive.
  • Rob Lowe Quote - I’m not going to stop talking to people who come up to me in an airport. I’m not going to worry about what may be their ulterior motive.
  • Rob Lowe Quote - I’m not going to stop talking to people who come up to me in an airport. I’m not going to worry about what may be their ulterior motive.
  • Rob Lowe Quote - I’m not going to stop talking to people who come up to me in an airport. I’m not going to worry about what may be their ulterior motive.
  • Rob Lowe Quote - I’m not going to stop talking to people who come up to me in an airport. I’m not going to worry about what may be their ulterior motive.
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I’m not going to stop talking to people who come up to me in an airport. I’m not going to worry about what may be their ulterior motive.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Rob Lowe Quote - Directors are not worried about casting beautiful women, but they are not sure that they want to cast great-looking men. My looks have prevented people from seeing my work objectively.

    Directors are not worried about casting beautiful women, but they are not sure that they want to cast great-looking men. My looks have prevented people from seeing my work objectively.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Rob Lowe Quote - I am the guy dressing up in, you know, the caveman outfit for the kids birthday parties. Download This Image

    I am the guy dressing up in, you know, the caveman outfit for the kids birthday parties.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Rob Lowe Quote - Ginnifer Goodwin said it very well – we’re not doing the Hall Of Presidents at Disneyland. This is my interpretation of [J.F] Kennedy. Download This Image

    Ginnifer Goodwin said it very well – we’re not doing the Hall Of Presidents at Disneyland. This is my interpretation of [J.F] Kennedy.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Rob Lowe Quote - There’s this unbelievable bias and prejudice against quote-unquote good-looking people, that they can’t be in pain or they can’t have rough lives or be deep or interesting.

    There’s this unbelievable bias and prejudice against quote-unquote good-looking people, that they can’t be in pain or they can’t have rough lives or be deep or interesting.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Rob Lowe Quote - The really good thing about my career is that I never went through a phase where I played characters who had names like “Partygoer,” “Waiter,” or “Guy #1.” Download This Image

    The really good thing about my career is that I never went through a phase where I played characters who had names like “Partygoer,” “Waiter,” or “Guy #1.”

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Rob Lowe Quote - I think part of maturity is knowing who you are. Download This Image

    I think part of maturity is knowing who you are.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Rob Lowe Quote - In school, I had two or three best guy friends, but mostly if I was just hanging, I’d like to talk to the girls, because they were more interesting. I think they were smarter.

    In school, I had two or three best guy friends, but mostly if I was just hanging, I’d like to talk to the girls, because they were more interesting. I think they were smarter.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Rob Lowe Quote - I had to learn American sign language. And I did stuff in it, stuff that was just for me and was fun, that I don’t think anyone would ever notice.

    I had to learn American sign language. And I did stuff in it, stuff that was just for me and was fun, that I don’t think anyone would ever notice.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Rob Lowe Quote - It’s the media that take an isolated incident and make it a deciding factor in a presidential campaign, as opposed to the real issues, like abortion, the homeless, the deficit. The same is true with actors and their lifestyles.

    It’s the media that take an isolated incident and make it a deciding factor in a presidential campaign, as opposed to the real issues, like abortion, the homeless, the deficit. The same is true with actors and their lifestyles.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Rob Lowe Quote - [Chris] Farley was a dear friend, and we remained close right up until the end. You know, there was nobody more fearless comedically than Chris. And that’s saying a lot, because I’m friendly with a lot of funny people. Download This Image

    [Chris] Farley was a dear friend, and we remained close right up until the end. You know, there was nobody more fearless comedically than Chris. And that’s saying a lot, because I’m friendly with a lot of funny people.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Rob Lowe Quote - I think [The Outsiders] really forged who I am as an actor, and it’s one of the reasons why I keep being drawn to big ensembles where I’m surrounded by strong, successful actors or personalities. Because that was my initial foray into movie making.

    I think [The Outsiders] really forged who I am as an actor, and it’s one of the reasons why I keep being drawn to big ensembles where I’m surrounded by strong, successful actors or personalities. Because that was my initial foray into movie making.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Rob Lowe Quote - I was sick of playing high-school kids. I liked being a teenager, but I would not go back for all the tea in China.

    I was sick of playing high-school kids. I liked being a teenager, but I would not go back for all the tea in China.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Rob Lowe Quote - When I had my Comedy Central roast, David [Spade] was my first choice to be roastmaster, because I adore him. He’s funny as hell, and nobody is meaner.

    When I had my Comedy Central roast, David [Spade] was my first choice to be roastmaster, because I adore him. He’s funny as hell, and nobody is meaner.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Rob Lowe Quote - Helmut Newton shot the ad campaign [for Bad Influence]. It’s [James] Spader at the top of his game, right after Sex, Lies And Videotape. It’s sexy. It’s weird. It’s dark. The characters are great.

    Helmut Newton shot the ad campaign [for Bad Influence]. It’s [James] Spader at the top of his game, right after Sex, Lies And Videotape. It’s sexy. It’s weird. It’s dark. The characters are great.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Rob Lowe Quote - If somebody else is achieving more than I am, that means I can do it, too. Everybody has the ability to raise themselves up, and my life has been marked by that.

    If somebody else is achieving more than I am, that means I can do it, too. Everybody has the ability to raise themselves up, and my life has been marked by that.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Rob Lowe Quote - I’ll be a role model on my terms, but don’t make a role model on your terms.

    I’ll be a role model on my terms, but don’t make a role model on your terms.