Make your meditation a continuous state of mind. A great worship is going on all the time, so nothing should be neglected or excluded from your constant meditative awareness.
RAMAKRISHNAThe physician thinks he is the master, forgetting that God is the Master. God laughs again when two brothers divide their land with a string, saying to each
More Ramakrishna Quotes
It’s enough to have faith in one aspect of God. You have faith in God without form.
Disease is the tax which the soul pays for the body, as the tenant pays house-rent for the use of the house.
So when a person dies in a state of ignorance, he is born again; but when he becomes well baked in the fire of true knowledge and dies a perfect man, he is not born again.
All troubles come to an end when the ego dies
All, without any exception, will certainly know their real Self.
The richest gem of all. How many pearls and precious stones Are scattered all about The outer court that lies before The chamber of your heart!
When the flower blooms, the bees come uninvited.
Knowledge leads to unity, but ignorance to diversity.
The way of love is as true as the way of knowledge. All paths ultimately lead to the same Truth. But as long as God keeps the feeling of ego in us, it is easier to follow the path of love.
The virtuous and the vicious. Therefore when I meet different people I say to myself, “God in the form of the saint, God in the form of the sinner
Spirituality automatically leads to humility. When a flower develops into a fruit, the petals drop off on its own.
Imagine a limitless expanse of water: above and below, before and behind, right and left, everywhere there is water. In that water is placed a jar filled with water.
It is very pleasant to scratch an itching ring-worm, but the sensation one gets afterwards is very painful and intolerable.
The tree laden with fruits always bends low. If you wish to be great, be lowly and meek.
It is true that God is even in the tiger, but we must not go and face the animal.