One cannot enter the mansion without jumping over the stump.
RAMAKRISHNAA man is truly free, even here in this embodied state, if he knows that God is the true agent and he by himself is powerless to do anything.
More Ramakrishna Quotes
The waves belong to the water. Does the water belong to the waves?
Knowledge leads to unity, but ignorance to diversity.
You see many stars in the sky at night, but not when the sun rises.
Man suffers through lack of faith in God.
The richest gem of all. How many pearls and precious stones Are scattered all about The outer court that lies before The chamber of your heart!
Man needs a guru. But a man must have faith in the guru’s words. He succeeds in spiritual life by looking on his guru as God Himself.
The winds of God’s grace are always blowing, it is for us to raise our sails.
The breeze of grace is always blowing; set your sail to catch that breeze.
God in the form of the saint, God in the form of the sinner, God in the form of the righteous, God in the form of the unrighteous.
You can reach it by stone stairs or by wooden stairs or by bamboo steps or by a rope. You can also climb up by a bamboo pole.
When one has love for God, one doesn’t feel any physical attraction to wife, children, relatives and friends. One retains only compassion for them.
Through selfless work, love of God grows in the heart. Then through his grace one realize him in course of time. God can be seen. One can talk to him as I am talking to you.
What is the use of merely listening to lectures? The real thing is practice.
Too much study of the scriptures does more harm than good. The important thing is to know the essence of the scriptures.
No sooner does the man come back from the holy waters that the old sins jump on his shoulders from the trees.