If you must be mad, be it not for the things of the world. Be mad with the love of God.
RAMAKRISHNAThe supreme purpose and goal for human life… is to cultivate love.
More Ramakrishna Quotes
If you want to go east, don’t go west.
As long as I live, so long do I learn.
More are the names of God and infinite are the forms through which He may be approached. In whatever name and form you worship Him, through them you will realise Him.
Have love for everyone, no one is other than you.
That is very good. But never get into your head that your faith alone is true and every other is false. Know for certain that God without form is real and that God with form is also real.
The fish lives in the mud, but its skin is always bright and shiny.
Forgiveness is the true nature of the ascetic.
Try to cultivate love of God. You are born as a human being only to attain divine love.
Men are like pillow-cases. The colour of one may be red, that of another blue, and that of the third black; but all contain the same cotton within.
A bath in Ganges undoubtedly absolves one of all sins; but what does that avail? They say that the sins perch on trees along the banks of the Ganges.
Too much study of the scriptures does more harm than good. The important thing is to know the essence of the scriptures.
All will surely realize God. All will be liberated. It may be that some get their meal in the morning, some at noon, and some in the evening; but none will go without food.
The richest gem of all. How many pearls and precious stones Are scattered all about The outer court that lies before The chamber of your heart!
The young bamboo can be easily bent, but the full grown bamboo breaks when it is bent with force.
I have now come to a stage of realization in which I see that God is walking in every human form and manifesting Himself alike through the sage and the sinner