When one has love for God, one doesn’t feel any physical attraction to wife, children, relatives and friends. One retains only compassion for them.
RAMAKRISHNAYou see many stars in the sky at night, but not when the sun rises.
More Ramakrishna Quotes
The Man who works for others, without any selfish motive, really does good to himself.
Great men have the nature of a child.
Forget all the worldly knowledge that thou hast acquired and become as a child, and then will thou get the divine wisdom.
Who is whose Guru? God alone is the guide and Guru of the universe.
Too much study of the scriptures does more harm than good. The important thing is to know the essence of the scriptures.
A truly religious man should think that other religions also have many paths leading to the truth.
The less your attachment is towards the senses, the more will be your love towards God .
The young bamboo can be easily bent, but the full grown bamboo breaks when it is bent with force.
The tree laden with fruits always bends low. If you wish to be great, be lowly and meek.
Knowledge leads to unity, but ignorance to diversity.
When an unbaked pot is broken, the potter can use the mud to make a new one; but when a baked one is broken, he cannot do the same any longer
God in the form of the righteous, God in the form of the unrighteous.
A boat may stay in water, but water should not stay in boat. A spiritual aspirant may live in the world, but the world should not live within him.
More are the names of God and infinite are the forms through which He may be approached. In whatever name and form you worship Him, through them you will realise Him.
First realise God, see Him by means of spiritual discipline. If He imparts power you can do good to others; otherwise not.