When you meditate, go into the solitude of a forest, or a quiet corner, and enter into the chamber of your heart. And always keep your power of discrimination awake.
RAMAKRISHNASo long as one does not become simple like a child, one does not get divine illumination.
More Ramakrishna Quotes
So it is true that God dwells even in the most wicked, but it is not meet that we should associate with the wicked.
The world is impermanent. One should constantly remember death.
The sun can give heat and light to the whole world, but he cannot do so when the clouds shut out his rays. Similarly as long as egotism veils the heart, God cannot shine upon it.
It is very pleasant to scratch an itching ring-worm, but the sensation one gets afterwards is very painful and intolerable.
So long as one does not become simple like a child, one does not get divine illumination.
Take the case of the infinite ocean. There is no limit to its water. Suppose a pot is immersed in it: there is water both inside and outside the pot.
When the head of a goat is severed from its body, the trunk struggles for some time, still showing signs of life.
But it is not sufficient to bind him again into the world.
If you spent one-tenth of the time you devoted to distractions like chasing women or making money to spiritual practice, you would be enlightened in a few years.
To work without attachment is to work without the expectation of reward.
Those whose spiritual awareness has been awakened never make a false move. They don’t have to avoid evil.
So when a person dies in a state of ignorance, he is born again; but when he becomes well baked in the fire of true knowledge and dies a perfect man, he is not born again.
You speak of doing good to the world. Is the world such a small thing? And who are you, pray, to do good to the world?
Meditate upon the Knowledge and Bliss Eternal , and you will also have bliss.
The fish lives in the mud, but its skin is always bright and shiny.