You wonder if it is written in the stars or if it is all pure chance. RHIANNON JOHANNA ChanceDestinyFatePureStardomWonderWritingYourself
Your spirit is not broken your heart is and you will heal. RHIANNON JOHANNA BreakHealingHeartSpiritWillingYourself
What scares you most is not who you could have been, but who you are. RHIANNON JOHANNA CharacterPersonScareYourself
When you tell someone you love them do you remember loving me. RHIANNON JOHANNA Break UpLovePastRememberYourself
Please be kind and loving to yourself this releases everything. RHIANNON JOHANNA KindLoveReleaseYourself
Isn’t there too much to say about what you are too scared to say. RHIANNON JOHANNA DeepFearScareTalkVoiceYourself