I fantasize about you all day playing with myself waiting for the real thing. MICHAEL DENNIS DayFantasyMyselfPlayRealityWait
I’ll kiss the goosebumps all over your body after you take your clothes off. MICHAEL DENNIS BodyClothesCuddleKissingMyselfSexYourself
Two souls that suffered apart together turn into one that is unbreakable. MICHAEL DENNIS BreakMyselfSoulSufferingTogetherness
Wrap your legs around my head and suffocate me until you finish me in my mouth. MICHAEL DENNIS HeadLegsMyselfSexSuffocationYourself
Love is never cruel when its true believe me because its different with you. MICHAEL DENNIS BelieveCrueltyDifferentLoveTrueYourself
It feels so good to know the insanity of our love is real. MICHAEL DENNIS FeelingGoodnessLoveOurselvesReality
The touch of your pale skin illuminates my darkness. MICHAEL DENNIS DarknessIlluminationSkinTouchYourself
If you really love her listen to her she will tell you the secrets of the universe. MICHAEL DENNIS ListeningLoveMyselfSecretUniverseYourself
Lets handcuff ourselves together naked and see what happens. MICHAEL DENNIS NakedOurselvesSeeSexTogetherness
Moonlight fills the room illumination your delicious naked existence. MICHAEL DENNIS DeliciousExistenceLoveNakedRoomSexYourself
Make me one with you so we will never be apart. MICHAEL DENNIS LoveMyselfOneselfRelationshipTogetherness
I dreamt of you when our souls bled together and now we are eternal. MICHAEL DENNIS BloodDreamsForeverMyselfSoulTogetherness
Angels fly but you and I get so dirty I’m not sure we are so pure. MICHAEL DENNIS AngelDirtyFlyMyselfPurityRelationship
I want to go deep inside so I can feel the warmth of your dreams. MICHAEL DENNIS DreamsFeelingMyselfSex
She’s always the heart to my soul and I am the blood to her being. MICHAEL DENNIS BloodConnectionHeartLoveMyselfRelationshipSoulYourself
It’s like I hear your body talking to me telling me how to satisfy your soul. MICHAEL DENNIS BodyMyselfSatisfactionSexSoulTalkYourself
I know when you ache because I’ve been deep inside every part of you. MICHAEL DENNIS Heart BrokenHurtMyselfPainSexYourself
Right when I met you I wanted to put a baby in you. MICHAEL DENNIS LoveMyselfRelationshipRightSexYourself