All any girl really wants is just love and a man. But what man can put up with a rock-n-roll star? JANIS JOPLIN GirlLoveManRockRollStar
When everything is together – the band, me, the audience, it’s boss! It’s just like magic. JANIS JOPLIN AudienceBandBossEverythingLikeMagicTogether
If you don’t settle for that and you keep fighting it, you know, you’ll end up anything you want to be. JANIS JOPLIN DishwasherMuchOwnProblemSettleSomebody
I gotta go on doin’ it the way I see it…I got no choice but to take it like I see it. I’m here to have a party while I’m on this earth.. JANIS JOPLIN ChoiceGottaManPartySeeWayYear
I always wanted to be an artist, whatever that was, like other chicks want to be stewardesses. I read. I painted. I thought. JANIS JOPLIN ArtistChickPaintedReadStewardessWantWantedWhatever
I talk to the audience, look into their eyes. I need them and they need me. JANIS JOPLIN AudienceEyeLookNeedTalk
You are what you settle for. You are only as much as you settle for. JANIS JOPLIN LotMuchOnlySettleSettling
It used to make me unhappy, all that feeling. I just didn’t know what to do with it. But now I’ve learned how to make feeling work for me… JANIS JOPLIN FeelingHappyLearnedSoulUnhappy
What we’ve had to do is learn to control success, put it in perspective, and not lose the essence of what we’re doing – the music. JANIS JOPLIN ControlEssenceLearnLosePerspectiveSucces
I started singing rhythmically, and now I’m learning from Otis Redding to push a song instead of just sliding over it JANIS JOPLIN MeaningOverReddingRhythmicallySingingSong
Freedom is just another word for when you have NOTHING left to lose. JANIS JOPLIN AnotherFreedomLeftLoseNothingWord
You’re only as much as you settle for. If they settle for being somebody’s dishwasher that’s their own f***ing problem. JANIS JOPLIN DishwasherFightingOnlyProblemSomebody. SettleWant
Audiences like their blues singers to be miserable. JANIS JOPLIN AudienceBlueMiserableMusicSadnessSinger
Being an intellectual creates a lot of questions and no answers. You can fill your life up with ideas and still go home lonely. JANIS JOPLIN AnswerCreateHomeIdeaIntellectualLonelyQuestionStrong Women
It’s not what isn’t, it’s what you wish was that makes unhappiness. JANIS JOPLIN DesireLikeMakePlanningUnhappinessWish
I can’t talk about my singing; I’m inside it. How can you describe something you’re inside of? JANIS JOPLIN DescribeInsideSingingSomethingTalk
Hippies believe the world could be a better place. Beatniks believe things aren’t going to get better and say the hell with it, stay stoned and have a good time. JANIS JOPLIN BeatnikBelieveBetterGetHippiePlace