A great start to the perfect day – a world-class workout at the gym… It’s hard to feel miserable after a great workout. BRADFORD WINTERS DaysLeadershipPerfectWorkout
When it is all about winning, once you’ve done it, you lose interest; stay focus on helping/developing young people as your long-term goal. BRADFORD WINTERS LeadershipLongWinning
Life is all about choices. Today, show compassion for others, think powerful thoughts, and exercise self control. BRADFORD WINTERS ExerciseLeadershipPowerful
Today make GOOD DECISIONS. Decide to selflessly serve others, to control your thoughts, to eat water-rich foods and to get lots of exercise. BRADFORD WINTERS ExerciseLeadershipWater
Our greatest individual challenge in life is self-discipline. The self-discipline of a healthy diet, daily exercise, controlling our thoughts, selflessly serving others, and living a life of integrity. BRADFORD WINTERS ExerciseIntegrityLeadership
All you can do is all you can do… If all you can do, is still not good enough, then go do something else. BRADFORD WINTERS Good EnoughLeadership
My diet plan. 8am to 12noon: only fruits and fruit juice. Noon to 8pm: vegetarian meals. From 8pm to 8am the kitchen is CLOSED. BRADFORD WINTERS FruitJuiceKitchenLeadership
Talent is the discipline, commitment, and willpower to practice/train/study often, long, and hard. Discover your passion and pay the price. BRADFORD WINTERS CommitmentLeadershipPassion
If you want to lead a family/team/organization, learn to lead/manage yourself first. BRADFORD WINTERS LeadershipOrganizationTeam
Leaders are made through discipline, training, experience, failure, and the desire to continually improve. BRADFORD WINTERS DisciplineLeadershipTraining
I think you can measure how pathetic your life is by how much joy you get from learning about other people’s faults and troubles. BRADFORD WINTERS LeadershipPeopleThinking
Everything breaks; the only things that last are things you’re willing to fix. BRADFORD WINTERS BreakLastsLeadership
Effective communication is the best way to solve problems. BRADFORD WINTERS CommunicationLeadershipWay