I wouldn’t say it’s competitive. I think everyone has their time. ADRIANA LIMA CompetitiveEveryoneThinkingTime
It’s wrong for a guy to have no personality, no heart. Because I don’t care about style or money. ADRIANA LIMA GuyHeartPersonalityWrong
I watch that. How does he treat the waiter? How does he treat the coat-check girl? How does he treat the driver? ADRIANA LIMA CheckCoatDriverTreatWaiterWatch
I missed out on everything. Sometimes on the street I see teenagers hanging out and going to the movies, going to concerts, and I get so jealous. ADRIANA LIMA ConcertEverythingHangingJealousMovieOutSometimesStreetTeenager
Working out a lot isn’t necessary, but I am very active, and my body can endure intense workouts. ADRIANA LIMA ActiveBodyEndureIntenseNecessaryWorkingWorkout
It really puts a damper on your perspective of other girls. ADRIANA LIMA DamperGirlOtherPerspectivePutReally
You can have a wardrobe malfunction if you dont choose the right thing to wear underneath! ADRIANA LIMA ChooseMalfunctionRightThingUnderneathWardrobeWear
I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but I have to indulge every now and then! ADRIANA LIMA HealthyIndulgeLifestyleMaintainNowTrying
If one day I have a daughter and my daughter wants to be a model, I would never let her! ADRIANA LIMA DaughterDayHerModelMotherneverOne
We show the girls lots of pictures and tell a lot of stories about both of our childhoods. ADRIANA LIMA BothChildhoodGirlLotPictureStories
I really don’t watch what I eat. It’s not like you have # Christmas every day! ADRIANA LIMA ChristmasDayEatEveryReallyWatch
When I get older, I don’t think I’ll like to have wrinkles, or a big jelly belly. I cannot have it. ADRIANA LIMA BellyBigJellyOlderThinkingWrinkle
The first time I went inside a plane, I was 15 years old and I had so much fun. ADRIANA LIMA FirstFunInsideMuchOldPlaneTime
But after a while you discover that youre really not. Real love is different. ADRIANA LIMA DifferentDiscoverLoveRealReallyWhile
Brazilian women are taught to take care of themselves. ADRIANA LIMA AgeCareCountryKeysRoutineTaughtThemselvesWomen
I don’t know how I’m sitting here right now speaking English. ADRIANA LIMA EnglishKnowRightSittingSpeaking
But we will always support our girls in their choices and help them to dream big. ADRIANA LIMA AlwaysBigChoiceDreamGirlHelpSupportWill
Lingerie is one of the most important pieces of your wardrobe. ADRIANA LIMA ImportantLingerieMostPieceWardrobe
You know, every work has the bad side, and people will be mean to you, and when you’re young, you don’t know how to defend yourself. ADRIANA LIMA BadDefendEveryMeanPeopleSideWorkYourself
I like to travel all over the world and learn [about] new cultures. ADRIANA LIMA AllCultureLearnLikeNewOverTravelWorld
I love cakes. Chocolate and coconut cakes. I love that combination! ADRIANA LIMA CakeChocolateCoconutCombination