We can learn from IBM’s successful history that you don’t have to have the best product to become number one. ADAM OSBORNE BestHistoryNumberNumbersOneProductSuccessful
Only taking the best evidence available at the present time, ADAM OSBORNE AvailableBestEvidencePresentTakingTime
People think computers will keep them from making mistakes ADAM OSBORNE ComputerMakingMistakesPeopleTechnologyThinking
Money coming in says I’ve made the right marketing decisions ADAM OSBORNE AdvertisingComingDecisionMarketingMoneyRightSay
The future lies in designing and selling computers that people don’t realize are computers at all. ADAM OSBORNE ComputerDesignDesigningFutureLyingPeopleRealizeSelling
There’ll be a special place in hell for the tape back-up people. ADAM OSBORNE BackHellPeopleSpecialTapeUp
The small businessman is smart; he realizes there’s no free lunch. On the other hand, he knows where to go to get a good inexpensive sandwich. ADAM OSBORNE BusinessmanFreeHandLunchRealizeSmart
Venture capitalists are like lemmings jumping on the software bandwagon. ADAM OSBORNE BandwagonCapitalistDecisionEntrepreneurJumpingLemmingSoftwareVenture
I liken myself to Henry Ford and the auto industry, I give you 90 percent of what most people need. ADAM OSBORNE AutoFogGiveGivingIndustryMostNeedNintyPeoplePercent
I take what I see work. I’m a strict believer in the scientific principle of believing nothing, ADAM OSBORNE BehaviourBelieveBelievingLeavingMindNothingPrincipleScientificStrictWork
With bundled machines you can throw away the hardware and keep the software, and it’s still a good buy. ADAM OSBORNE BoyBundledGoodHardwareMachineSoftwareThrow
The guy who knows about computers is the last person you want to have creating documentation for people who don’t understand computers. ADAM OSBORNE ComputerCreatingDocumentationGuyLastPeoplePersonUnderstand
The most valuable thing you can make is a mistake. ADAM OSBORNE BusinessEncouragingMistakeThingValuable
This is the ultimate con game – I’m having fun and people pay me to do it. ADAM OSBORNE ConFunGamePayPeopleUltimate
Interpreting it as best you can, and leaving your mind open to the fact that new evidence will appear tomorrow. ADAM OSBORNE AppearBestEvidenceFactInterpretingLeavingMindOpenTomorrow