There is always something to learn from experimentation.
More Arabic Proverbs
Believe what you see and lay aside what you hear.
Good health is a crown worn by the healthy than only the ill can see.
He who sees the calamity of other people finds his own calamity light.
The stingy have large porches and little morality.
You reap what you sow.
No crowd ever waited at the gates of patience.
The house of a tyrant is a ruin.
Do not eat your bread on somebody else’s table. This means that you shouldn’t benefit off of someone else’s expense; as in, you shouldn’t dirty someone else’s table if you’re just going to be eating your bread.
Avoid that which requires an apology.
Unity is power.
Few know how much we must know in order to know how little we know.
Be patient and you’ll get what you want.
Even if friend is honey, don’t lick them all up.
Examine what is said, not him who speaks.
Lack of intelligence is the greatest poverty.
Every sun has to set.
Love sees sharply, hatred sees even more sharp, but jealousy sees the sharpest for it is love and hate at the same time.
The envious were created just to be infuriated. This means that there’s no end result to envy other than fury. If you’re feeling envious, you’re only leading yourself down a path to anger.
The fruit of silence is tranquility.
Send a wise man; don’t advise him.
Arrogance diminishes wisdom.
Silence is the sign of approval.
Jealousy is nothing more than a fear of abandonment.
It’s better to fix what you have than wait to get what you don’t have.
Do not delay today’s work for tomorrow. Don’t procrastinate!
Days are like countries. This means that a country might be great today, but not tomorrow. This applies to people as well.
Avoid things that will require an apology. This means if you want to do something that you know you’ll have to apologize for, you should probably just not do it!