Be careful for deep water and dogs that do not bark.
More Indian Proverbs
Every one looking downwards becomes impressed with ideas of his own greatness, but looking upwards, he feels his own littleness.
Alertness and courage are life’s shields.
There are three uncertainties: woman, wind, and wealth.
A man without a woman is only half a man.
The worst kind of poverty is to have many debts.
They who give have all things; they who withhold have nothing.
A monkey that amuses me is better than a deer astray.
A known mistake is better than an unknown truth.
Better to have a diamond with a few small flaws than a rock that is perfect.
The tongue is safe; even among thirty teeth.
Blaming your faults on your nature does not change the nature of your faults.
Greed is the root cause of sorrow.
Only two things matter in this world: a son and a daughter.
Any water in the desert will do.
If you are up to your knees in pleasure, then you are up to your waist in grief.
A hundred divine epochs would not suffice to describe all the marvels of the Himalaya.
The money you dream about will not pay your bills.
Speak like a parrot; meditate like a swan; chew like a goat; and bathe like an elephant.
Poverty makes thieves, like love makes poets.
A guilty conscience is a hidden enemy.
Better a hundred enemies outside the house than one inside.
When you have an ass for a friend, expect nothing but kicks.
A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.
Pearls are of no value in a desert.
Faith keeps the world going.
One finger can’t lift a pebble.
Consult the wise and do not disobey him.
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