The means or instrument of the first is sense; of the second, dialectic; of the third, intuition.
PLOTINUSWe must close our eyes and invoke a new manner of seeing…a wakefulness that is the birthright of us all, though few put it to use.
More Plotinus Quotes
Cut away all that is excessive, straighten all that is crooked, bring light to all that is overcast, labour to make all one glow of beauty and never cease chiselling your statue.
We ourselves possess Beauty when we are true to our own being; ugliness is in going over to another order; knowing ourselves, we are beautiful; in self-ignorance, we are ugly.
The world is knowable, harmonious, and good.
We must close our eyes and invoke a new manner of seeing…a wakefulness that is the birthright of us all, though few put it to use.
As in certain combinations so words and in all kinds of music; for melodies and cadences are beautiful; and minds that lift themselves above the realm of sense to a higher order are aware of beauty in the conduct of life.
We must not run after it, but we must fit ourselves for the vision and then wait tranquilly for it.
Knowing ourselves, we are beautiful; in self-ignorance, we are ugly.
In actions, in character, in the pursuits of the intellect; and there is the beauty of the virtues.
Intelligence inbound with the entire of reality, not fenced off, integral to that All. […] Then it was as if One voice sounded.
Nature is but an image of wisdom, the last thing of the soul; nature being a thing which doth only do, but not know.
Fear must be entirely banished. The purified soul will fear nothing.
But coming to human birth and lured by the courtships of this sphere, she takes up with another love, a mortal, leaves her father and falls.
Become vision itself.
From the Soul using the body as an instrument, it does not follow that the Soul must share the body’s experiences: a man does not himself feel all the experiences of the tools with which he is working.
Beauty addresses itself chiefly to sight, but there is a beauty for the hearing too.