You can only apprehend the Infinite by a faculty that is superior to reason.
PLOTINUSGod is not external to anyone, but is present with all things, though they are ignorant that He is so.
More Plotinus Quotes
We ourselves possess Beauty when we are true to our own being; ugliness is in going over to another order.
Knowing ourselves, we are beautiful; in self-ignorance, we are ugly.
Never did eye see the sun unless it had first become sun-like, and never can the soul have vision of the First Beauty unless itself be beautiful.
When we look outside of that on which we depend we ignore our unity; looking outward we see many faces; look inward and all is one head.
Never stop working on your statue until the divine glory of virtue shines out on you, until you see self-mastery enthroned upon its holy seat.
Fear must be entirely banished. The purified soul will fear nothing.
We are not separated from spirit, we are in it.
The Soul of each one of us is sent, that the universe may be complete.
Life here with the things of the earth is a sinking, a defeat, a failing of the wing.
Knowing demands the organ fitted to the object.
Knowledge has three degrees–opinion, science, illumination.
All things are filled full of signs, and it is a wise man who can learn about one thing from another.
It is in virtue of unity that beings are beings.
A dogma recognized throughout antiquity… (that) the soul expiates its sins in the darkness of the infernal regions and… afterwards… passes into new bodies, there to undergo new trials.
Wherever it lies, under earth or over earth, the body will always rot.