Beauty is rather a light that plays over the symmetry of things than that symmetry itself.
PLOTINUSAs the eye waits on the rising of the Sun which in its own time appears above the horizon and gives itself to our sight.
More Plotinus Quotes
If someone with the right conduct tries to attain to something that lies outside of it, is his goal not the right conduct.
All things are filled full of signs, and it is a wise man who can learn about one thing from another.
Wherever it lies, under earth or over earth, the body will always rot.
One word was uttered and from every side an ear attended and received and there was an effective hearing.
We ourselves possess Beauty when we are true to our own being; ugliness is in going over to another order.
If a man could but be turned about, he would see at once God and himself and the All.
It is bad enough to be condemned to drag around this image in which nature has imprisoned me.
Before we had our becoming here, we existed There, men other than now; we were pure souls.
We must not run after it, but we must fit ourselves for the vision and then wait tranquilly for it.
Knowing ourselves, we are beautiful; in self-ignorance, we are ugly.
I am striving to give back the Divine in myself to the Divine in the All.
Knowledge has three degrees–opinion, science, illumination.
The stars are like letters that inscribe themselves at every moment in the sky.
Become vision itself.
But coming to human birth and lured by the courtships of this sphere, she takes up with another love, a mortal, leaves her father and falls.