But is not He who created it for the sake of the sick body more than the remedy? And is not He who cures the soul, which is more than the body, greater?
PARACELSUSDreams must be heeded and accepted. For a great many of them come true.
More Paracelsus Quotes
It should be forbidden and severely punished to remove cancer by cutting, burning, cautery, and other fiendish tortures. It is from nature that the disease comes, and from nature comes the cure, not from physicians.
Medicine is not merely a science but an art. The character of the physician may act more powerfully upon the patient than the drugs employed.
Nothing is hidden so much that it wouldn’t be revealed through its fruit.
Thoughts give birth to a creative force that is neither elemental nor sidereal. Thoughts create a new heaven, a new firmament, a new source of energy, from which new arts flow. When a man undertakes to create something, he establishes a new heaven.
All that man needs for health and healing has been provided by God in nature, the Challenge of science is to find it.
For it is we who must pray for our daily bread, and if He grants it to us, it is only through our labour, our skill and preparation.
The right dose differentiates a poison from a remedy.
Man is a microcosm, or a little world, because he is an extract from all the stars and planets of the whole firmament, from the earth and the elements; and so he is their quintessence.
Every physician must be rich in knowledge, and not only of that which is written in books; his patients should be his book, they will never mislead him.
All things are poisons. It is simply the dose that distinguishes between a poison and a remedy.
Everything is a drug; it depends on the dose.
All arts lie in man, though not all are apparent. Awakening brings them out. To be taught is nothing; everything is in man waiting to be awakened.
Once a disease has entered the body, all parts which are healthy must fight it: not one alone, but all. Because a disease might mean their common death. Nature knows this; and Nature attacks the disease with whatever help she can muster.
In every human being there is a special heaven, whole and unbroken.
The beginning of wisdom is the beginning of supernatural power.