If you really want peace on earth, create peace in your heart, in your being. That is the right place to begin with and then spread.
OSHOLife is not a problem. To look at it as a problem is to take a wrong step. It is a mystery to be lived, loved, experienced.
More Osho Quotes
Loneliness is a black hole, a darkness, a frightening negative state almost like death.
When love flows with freedom there is beauty. When love flows with dependence there is ugliness.
Meditate so that you can feel immense silence, and love so that your life can become a song, a dance, a celebration.
Love is never a relationship; love is relating.
Wherever you are afraid, try to explore, and you will find death hiding somewhere behind. All fear is of death. Death is the only fear source.
Existence cannot go wrong. If it does not fulfill our desires, that simply means our desires were wrong.
Falling in love, you remain a child; rising in love, you mature. By and by love becomes not a relationship, it becomes a state of your being. Not that you are in love – now you are love.
Love is the goal, life is the journey.
To give love, the first basic requirement is to have it.
There is great difference between trust and belief. Trust is personal, Belief is social.
What is discipline? Discipline means creating an order within you. As you are, you are a chaos.
Darkness is an absence of light. Ego is an absence of awareness.
It is beautiful to be alone, it is also beautiful to be in love, to be with people. And they are complementary, not contradictory.
Get out of your head and get into your heart. Think less, feel more.
No relationship can truly grow if you go on holding back.