What is discipline? Discipline means creating an order within you. As you are, you are a chaos.
OSHOA man who is 100% sane is dead.
More Osho Quotes
Don’t seek, don’t search, don’t ask, don’t knock, don’t demand – relax. If you relax it comes, if you relax it is there. If you relax, you start vibrating with it.
In the space of no-mind, truth descends like light.
No relationship can truly grow if you go on holding back.
The world is like a waiting room in a railway station; it is not your house.
Nobody has the power to take two steps together; you can take only one step at a time.
I love, because my love is not dependent on the object of love. My love is dependent on my state of being.
Sadness is silent, it is yours. It is coming because you are alone. It is giving you a chance to go deeper into your aloneness.
Don’t try to understand life. Live it! Don’t try to understand love. Move into love. Then you will know and that knowing will come out of your experiencing.
If you are a parent, open doors to unknown directions to the child so he can explore. Don’t make him afraid of the unknown,give him support.
Life repeats itself mindlessly – unless you become mindful, it will go on repeating like a wheel.
My meditation is simple. It does not require any complex practices. It is simple. It is singing. It is dancing. It is sitting silently.
Enlightenment will be now the beginning, not the end. Beginning of a non-ending process in all dimensions of richness.
A man who is 100% sane is dead.
No thought, no mind, no choice – just being silent, rooted in yourself.
Intelligence comes from meditation, intelligence comes from rebellion, intelligence does not come from memory.