A little foolishness, enough to enjoy life, and a little wisdom to avoid the errors, that will do.
OSHOIt is a strange thing ,that every child is born with a closed hand , and every body dies with an open hand.
More Osho Quotes
Sex has become more and more attractive because of its condemnation by priests.
Love is the goal, life is the journey.
You feel good, you feel bad, and these feelings are bubbling from your own unconsciousness, from your own past. Nobody is responsible except you.
If you love a person you will not interfere with his personal life. You would not dare to break the boundaries of his inner world.
A mature person has the integrity to stand alone.
One just needs a little alertness to see and find out: Life is really a great cosmic laughter.
Life repeats itself mindlessly – unless you become mindful, it will go on repeating like a wheel.
There exists no God. What exists is godliness, and that godliness surrounds you. We are all in the same ocean.
The tongue never slips – remember this always. What goes on within the mind comes invariably on the tongue.
When love flows with freedom there is beauty. When love flows with dependence there is ugliness.
In love the other is important; in lust you are important.
Falling in love, you remain a child; rising in love, you mature. By and by love becomes not a relationship, it becomes a state of your being. Not that you are in love – now you are love.
Yes, I would like you to love yourself, because unless you love yourself you cannot love anybody else. You don’t know what love is if you have not loved yourself.
There is great difference between trust and belief. Trust is personal, Belief is social.
A man who is 100% sane is dead.