We all have to go, David, unless you have some special excuse.
MOIRA ROSERelated Topics

We all have to go, David, unless you have some special excuse.
MOIRA ROSEIf that’s not a cause for alcohol, I don’t know what is!
MOIRA ROSEOne must champion oneself and say, I am ready for this!
MOIRA ROSEThis wine is awful. Get me another glass.
MOIRA ROSEI was worried sick, dear! ‘Where’s David? Or his bags?
MOIRA ROSEIf airplane safety videos have taught me anything, it’s that a mother puts her own mask on first.
MOIRA ROSENever let the bastards get you down!
MOIRA ROSEThere once was a radiant young actress who dreamed of having two sons.
MOIRA ROSEOne day you will look at those photos with much kinder eyes and say, ‘Dear God, I was a beautiful thing!
MOIRA ROSEDid I used to have a drinking problem?
MOIRA ROSEI will not relive that bullying nightmare.
MOIRA ROSEYou are blind to reality and for that I am most proud.
MOIRA ROSEThe world is falling apart around us and I’m dying inside.
MOIRA ROSEI want you to know, John, that you are the most important thing in this world to me.
MOIRA ROSEI’m trying very hard not to connect with people right now.
MOIRA ROSELet’s all pray we don’t wake up!