Tell me how you read and I’ll tell you who you are.
MARTIN HEIDEGGERTell me how you read and I’ll tell you who you are.
MARTIN HEIDEGGERPoetically dwells man upon this earth.
MARTIN HEIDEGGERTechnology is therefore no mere means. Technology is a way of revealing.
MARTIN HEIDEGGERAs soon as we are born, we are old enough to die.
MARTIN HEIDEGGEREveryone is the other and no one is himself.
MARTIN HEIDEGGERThe fundamental event of the modern age is the conquest of the world as a picture.
MARTIN HEIDEGGERThere is no such thing as an empty word, only one that is worn out yet remains full.
MARTIN HEIDEGGERLonging is the agony of the nearness of the distant.
MARTIN HEIDEGGERImmersing ourselves in art and the immeasurable through being allows us a more truthful experience of the world.
MARTIN HEIDEGGERLanguage speaks and not the human.
MARTIN HEIDEGGEREverything has always already been said. And yet this “same” possesses, as its inner truth, the inexhaustable wealth of what is on every day as if that day were its first.
MARTIN HEIDEGGEROur thinking today is charged with the task to think what the Greeks have thought in an even more Greek manner.
MARTIN HEIDEGGERThe great collapses, the small remains forever.
MARTIN HEIDEGGERMan stares at what the explosion of the atom bomb could bring with it. He does not see that the atom bomb and its explosion are the mere final emission of what has long since taken place, has already happened.
MARTIN HEIDEGGERIf I take death into my life, acknowledge it, and face it squarely, I will free myself from the anxiety of death and the pettiness of life – and only then will I be free to become myself.
MARTIN HEIDEGGERThe song still remains which names the land over which it sings.