Be satisfied, and pleased with what thou art, Act cheerfully and well thou allotted part; Enjoy the present hour, be thankful for the past, And neither fear, nor wish, the approaches of the last.
MARTIALThere is no glory in outstripping donkeys.
More Martial Quotes
Short is the life of those who possess great accomplishments, and seldom do they reach a good old age. Whatever thou lovest, pray that thou mayest not set too high a value on it.
Neither fear your death’s day nor long for it.
For life is only life when blessed with health.
Life’s not just about being alive, but being well.
Be not too thick with anybody; your joys will be fewer, and so will pains.
No hero to me is the man who, by easy shedding of his blood, purchases fame: my hero is he who, without death, can win praise.
Epigrams need no crier, but are content with their own tongue.
I wont let a wife lead me to the altar.
If you have any shame, forbear to pluck the beard of a dead lion.
Life consists not merely in existing, but in enjoying health.
I’m what I seem; not any dyer gave, But nature dyed this colour that I have.
I seem to you cruel and too much addicted to gluttony, when I beat my cook for sending up a bad dinner. If that appears to you too trifling a cause, say for what cause you would have a cook flogged.
You praise, in three hundred verses, Sabellus, the baths of Ponticus, who gives such excellent dinners. You wish to dine, Sabellus, not to bathe.
While an ant was wandering under the shade of the tree of Phaeton, a drop of amber enveloped the tiny insect; thus she, who in life was disregarded, became precious by death.
It is easy in adversity to despise death; he has real fortitude who dares to live and be wretched.