Gifts are like fish-hooks; for who is not aware that the greedy char is deceived by the fly which he swallows?
MARTIALHe who writes distichs, wishes, I suppose, to please by brevity. But, tell me, of what avail is their brevity, when there is a whose book full of them?
More Martial Quotes
A fisherman’s walk: three steps and overboard.
Givers of great dinners know few enemies.
No amount of misfortune will satisfy the man who is not satisfied with reading a hundred epigrams.
Fortune gives too much to many, enough to none.
Fortune gives many too much, but none enough.
I do not hate the man, but his vices.
Red-haired, black-lipped, club-footed, and blink-eyed; if you’re a good man, you’re a wonder!
You ask what a nice girl will do? She won’t give an inch, but she won’t say no.
If I remember right, Aelia, you had four teeth; a cough displaced two, another two more. You can now cough without anxiety all the day long. A third cough can find nothing to do in your mouth.
I seem to you cruel and too much addicted to gluttony, when I beat my cook for sending up a bad dinner. If that appears to you too trifling a cause, say for what cause you would have a cook flogged.
You complain, friend Swift, of the length of my epigrams, but you yourself write nothing. Yours are shorter.
Whoever makes great presents, expects great presents in return.
Remember, cobbler, to keep to your leather.
Be not too thick with anybody; your joys will be fewer, and so will pains.
If your slave commits a fault, do not smash his teeth with your fists; give him some of the (hard) biscuit which famous Rhodes has sent you.