Why do strong arms fatigue themselves with frivolous dumbbells? To dig a vineyard is worthier exercise for men.
MARTIALVirtue extends our days: he lives two lives who relives his past with pleasure.
More Martial Quotes
There is no living with thee, nor without thee.
I do not hate the man, but his vices.
I would not miss your face, your neck, your hands, your limbs, your bosom and certain other of your charms. Indeed, not to become boring by naming them all, I could do without you, Chloe, altogether.
The bee is enclosed, and shines preserved in amber, so that it seems enshrined in its own nectar.
The swan murmurs sweet strains with a flattering tongue, itself the singer of its own dirge.
There is nothing more contemptible than a bald man who pretends to have hair.
It is not he who forms idols in gold or marble that makes them gods, but he who kneels before them.
Our days pass by, and are scored against us.
Short is the life of those who possess great accomplishments, and seldom do they reach a good old age. Whatever thou lovest, pray that thou mayest not set too high a value on it.
He who thinks that the lives of Priam and of Nestor were long is much deceived and mistaken. Life consists not in living, but in enjoying health.
You give me nothing during your life, but you promise to provide for me at your death. If you are not a fool, you know what I wish for!
No man is quick enough to enjoy life.
If my opinion is of any worth, the fieldfare is the greatest delicacy among birds, the hare among quadrupeds.
The shameless Chloe placed on the tombs of her seven husbands the inscription, “The work of Chloe.” How could she have expressed herself more plainly?
That which prevents disagreeable flies from feeding on your repast, was once the proud tail of a splendid bird.