See, how the liver is swollen larger than a fat goose! In amazement you will exclaim: Where could this possibly grow?
MARTIALBe cheerful, if you are wise.
More Martial Quotes
A jar of wine so priceless did not deserve to die. and Never think of leaving perfume or wines to your heir. Administer these youself and let him have the money.
You are so pure in mind and heart, In aspect, too, so mild, I wonder that you ever could Implant your wife with child.
Laugh, if thou art wise.
A cook should double one sense have: for he Should taster for himself and master be.
You complain, friend Swift, of the length of my epigrams, but you yourself write nothing. Yours are shorter.
Service cannot be expected from a friend in service; let him be a freeman who wishes to be my master.
No amount of misfortune will satisfy the man who is not satisfied with reading a hundred epigrams.
Be satisfied, and pleased with what thou art, Act cheerfully and well thou allotted part; Enjoy the present hour, be thankful for the past, And neither fear, nor wish, the approaches of the last.
If your slave commits a fault, do not smash his teeth with your fists; give him some of the (hard) biscuit which famous Rhodes has sent you.
Neither fear your death’s day nor long for it.
Who gives to friends so much from Fate secures, That is the only wealth for ever yours.
To-morrow I will live, the fool does say; To-day itself’s too late, the wise lived yesterday.
There is no glory in outstripping donkeys.
I have granted you much that you asked: and yet you never cease to ask of me. He who refuses nothing, Atticilla, will soon have nothing to refuse.
I believe that man to be wretched whom none can please.