If we are serious about loving God, we must begin with people, all people. And especially we must learn to love those that the world generally discards.
JOHN ORTBERGRelated Topics
Anand Thakur
If we are serious about loving God, we must begin with people, all people. And especially we must learn to love those that the world generally discards.
JOHN ORTBERGBoth hope and pessimism are deeply contagious. And no one is more infectious than a leader.
JOHN ORTBERGOne of the most painful aspects of suffering is the loneliness of it. Others may offer support or empathy, but no one can walk the road to Moriah in our place.
JOHN ORTBERGYour Mission starts where you are,Not where you think you should be.Sometimes we’re tempted to think that our current position/job/situation is a barrier to our mission, but, in fact, it is where it starts.
JOHN ORTBERGJesus gave the world its most influential movement.
JOHN ORTBERGThe Bible does not say you are God’s appliance; it says you are his masterpiece. Appliances get mass-produced.
JOHN ORTBERGOne of the great illusions of our time is that hurrying will buy us more time.
JOHN ORTBERGThere is no way for a human being to come to God that does not involve surrender.
JOHN ORTBERGWe tend to be preoccupied by our problems when we have a heightened sense of vulnerability and a diminished sense of power. Today, see each problem as an invitation to prayer.
JOHN ORTBERGWhat repeatedly enters your mind and occupies your mind, eventually shapes your mind, and will ultimately express itself in what you do and who you become.
JOHN ORTBERGNever try to have more faith – just get to know God better. And because God is faithful, the better you know Him, the more you’ll trust Him.
JOHN ORTBERGYou must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.
JOHN ORTBERGYour world could grow infinitely bigger if you were only willing to become appropriately small.
JOHN ORTBERGGod sees with utter clarity who we are. He is undeceived as to our warts and wickedness. But when God looks at us that is not all He sees. He also sees who we are intended to be, who we will one day become.
JOHN ORTBERGIf you want to do the work of God, pay attention to people. Notice them. Especially the people nobody else notices.
JOHN ORTBERGSolitude is the one place where we can gain freedom from the forces of society that will otherwise relentlessly mold us. Solitude requires relentless perseverance.