If God has given His Son to die for us, let us beware of doubting His kindness and love in any painful providence of our daily life.
J. C. RYLEIt is neglect of the Bible which makes so many a prey to the first false teacher whom they hear.
More J. C. Ryle Quotes
The love of Christ towards His people is a deep well which has no bottom.
J. C. RYLE -
A religion that costs nothing is worth nothing. A cheap Christianity, without a cross, will prove in the end a useless Christianity, without a crown.
J. C. RYLE -
Our prayers may be weak, stammering, and poor in our eyes. But if they come from a right heart, God understands them. Such prayers are His delight.
J. C. RYLE -
Sicknesses, losses, crosses, anxieties and disappointments seem absolutely needful to keep us humble, watchful and spiritual-minde d. They are as needful as the pruning knife to the vine and the refiner’s furnace to the gold.
J. C. RYLE -
No one ever said at the end of his days; ‘I have read my bible too much, I have thought of God too much, I have prayed too much, I have been too careful with my soul’
J. C. RYLE -
A Christian is a walking sermon. They preach far more than a minister does, for they preach all week long.
J. C. RYLE -
God does not look at riches, titles, education, or beauty. There is only one thing that God does look at, and that is the soul.
J. C. RYLE -
Tomorrow is the devil’s day, but today is God’s. Satan does not care how spiritual your intentions are, or how holy your resolutions, if only they are determined to be done tomorrow.
J. C. RYLE -
Why is a believer patient? Because he looks for the coming of the Lord…He waits quietly for the King.
J. C. RYLE -
Fear not because your prayer is stammering, your words feeble, and your language poor. Jesus can understand you.
J. C. RYLE -
Whatever others around you think, don’t you ever be ashamed of being a Christian.
J. C. RYLE -
Never let us be guilty of sacrificing any portion of truth on the altar of peace.
J. C. RYLE -
Knowledge of the Bible never comes by intuition. It can only be obtained by diligent, regular, daily, attentive reading.
J. C. RYLE -
Except a man be born again, he will wish one day he had never been born at all.
J. C. RYLE -
If you do not love Christ, let me tell you plainly what is the reason. You have no sense of debt to him.