All parts of the body which have a function, if used in moderation and exercised in labors in which each is accustomed, become thereby healthy, well developed and age more slowly, but if unused they become liable to disease, defective in growth and age quickly.
HIPPOCRATESThe dignity of a physician requires that he should look healthy, and as plump as nature intended him to be; for the common crowd consider those who are not of this excellent bodily condition to be unable to take care of themselves.
More Hippocrates Quotes
And if incision of the temple is made on the left, spasm seizes the parts on the right, while if the incision is on the right, spasm seizes the parts on the left.
For where there is love of man, there is also love of the art.
The combination of these two things makes regimen, when proper attention is given to the season of the year, the changes of the wind, the age of the individual, and the situation of his home. If there is any deficiency in food or exercise, the body will fall sick.
A physician who is a lover of wisdom is the equal to a god.
It’s far more important to know what person the disease has than what disease the person has.
It is more important to know the person who has the condition than it is to know the condition the person has.
Some patients, though conscious that their condition is perilous, recover their health simply through their contentment with the goodness of the physician.
Eunuchs do not take the gout, nor become bald.
Declare the past, diagnose the present, foretell the future.
Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.
Whenever a doctor cannot do good, he must be kept from doing harm.
Male and female have the power to fuse into one solid, both because both are nourished in both and because soul is the same thing in all living creatures, although the body of each is different.
To really know is science; to merely believe you know is ignorance.
When doing everything according to indications, although things may not turn out agreeably to indication, we should not change to another while the original appearances remain.
Those diseases which medicines do not cure, iron cures; those which iron cannot cure, fire cures; and those which fire cannot cure, are to be reckoned wholly incurable.