It is changes that are chiefly responsible for diseases, especially the greatest changes, the violent alterations both in the seasons and in other things. (:)…regimen and temperature, and one period of life to another.
HIPPOCRATESA wise man ought to realize that health is his most valuable possession.
More Hippocrates Quotes
And if incision of the temple is made on the left, spasm seizes the parts on the right, while if the incision is on the right, spasm seizes the parts on the left.
Sometimes give your services for nothing.
If someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him.
Medicine is of all the Arts the most noble; but, owing to the ignorance of those who practice it, and of those who, inconsiderately, form a judgment of them, it is at present behind all the arts.
Make a habit of two things: to help; or at least to do no harm.
There is one common flow, one common breathing, all things are in sympathy.
All diseases begin in the gut.
I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause abortion.
The physician treats, but nature heals.
Idleness and lack of occupation tend – nay are dragged – towards evil.
Life is short, science is long; opportunity is elusive, experiment is dangerous, judgement is difficult.
A wise man ought to realize that health is his most valuable possession.
The physician must have at his command a certain ready wit, as dourness is repulsive both to the healthy and the sick.
If you are not your own doctor, you are a fool.
Timidity betrays want of powers, and audacity a want of skill. There are, indeed, two things, knowledge and opinion, of which the one makes its possessor really to know, the other to be ignorant.