We must turn to nature itself, to the observations of the body in health and in disease to learn the truth.
HIPPOCRATESGet knowledge of the spine, for this is the requisite for many diseases
More Hippocrates Quotes
Where prayer, amulets and incantations work it is only a manifestation of the patient’s belief.
There is one common flow, one common breathing, all things are in sympathy.
All diseases begin in the gut.
And if incision of the temple is made on the left, spasm seizes the parts on the right, while if the incision is on the right, spasm seizes the parts on the left.
Through seven figures come sensations for a man; there is hearing for sounds, sight for the visible, nostril for smell, tongue for pleasant or unpleasant tastes, mouth for speech, body for touch, passages outwards and inwards for hot or cold breath. Through these come knowledge or lack of it.
Divine is the task to relieve pain
And he will manage the cure best who has foreseen what is to happen from the present state of matters.
The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well.
Everything in excess is opposed to nature.
Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.
For where there is love of man, there is also love of the art.
Sleep and watchfulness, both of them, when immoderate, constitute disease.
Timidity betrays want of powers, and audacity a want of skill. There are, indeed, two things, knowledge and opinion, of which the one makes its possessor really to know, the other to be ignorant.
If someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him.
I have clearly recorded this: for one can learn good lessons also from what has been tried but clearly has not succeeded, when it is clear why it has not succeeded.